Data mining the hansard

Estimating contribution by party

In [29]:
%matplotlib inline
import sys

import nltk
import nltk.tokenize

import itertools

import glob
import lxml
import lxml.html
import requests
import os
import csv
import wordcloud
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.misc import imread
import numpy as np
import wordcloud

Data gathering and parsing

Get data

  • mine hansard from theyworkforyou scrape for June 2015 onwards using lxml

In [30]:
page = requests.get("")
tree = lxml.html.fromstring(page.text)
debates = tree.xpath('//a/text()')

# Find the filenames of all the daily hansard xmls for this parliament
debates2015 = [x for x in debates if x.startswith('debates2015')]
new_parliament = [x for x in debates2015 if int(x.split('-')[1]) > 4]

def download_file(url, folder):
    Download a given url into specified folder
    local_filename = url.split('/')[-1]
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder, local_filename)):
        r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
        with open(os.path.join(folder, local_filename), 'wb') as f:
            for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): 
                if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks
        return local_filename

In [31]:
# download xmls
for xml in new_parliament:

Parse the xml of debates

Generate 3 datastructs from xml and mp_data.csv mentioned below:

  • named_text (a list of tuples of MPs names and their speeches over time i.e. will appear multiple times if they speak several times)
  • words_spoken_by_mp (a dict keyed with the MPs name and valued by a tuple representing their party and concatenated text)
  • party_talk (a dict keyed by the party name and valued by concatenated text of all speeches for all MPs belonging to it)

Additionally create the ancillary dict parties which contains the list of "real parties" and their respective number of MPs and the party_dict containing all MPs respective parties


In [32]:
def get_speaker_and_text(xml):
    For a given xml file return a list of tuples
    of speeches and their speakers
    with open(xml, 'rb') as fh:
        parsed_xml =
    data = []
    root = lxml.etree.fromstring(parsed_xml)
    speeches = root.xpath('speech') 
    for speech in speeches:
        #if speech.get('nospeaker') is not None:
        speech_list = [x.text for x in speech.getchildren() if x.text is not None]
        speech_list = " ".join(speech_list)
        speaker =  speech.get('speakername')
        data.append((speaker, speech_list))
    return data

In [37]:
named_text = []
for xml in glob.glob(os.path.join("data", "*.xml")):
    named_text = named_text + get_speaker_and_text(xml)

In [40]:

('Jess Phillips',
 'Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker, for giving me the opportunity to make my maiden speech. This is the first time I have been called a maiden, and it seems a little unusual as my children watch me from the Strangers Gallery. I assure everybody here that it is good that they are behind the glass—I can see them talking up there! I am exceptionally proud to be one of the new women MPs elected to this Parliament, and to be one of the working parents elected—we have a lot to offer when deciding what is best for our country, which has not always happened. Like those of my predecessor, John Hemming, my roots in Birmingham, Yardley run deep. I know from reading his maiden speech that this was a source of great pride for him—and I feel the same. A Brummie accent is a rare thing in this Chamber, and I look forward to changing that. Like so many Brummies, my nan and grandad from both my mother’s and father’s sides moved from Birmingham’s Peaky Blinders-famed inner city industrial areas in Small Heath, Ladywood and Winson Green to the estates of Yardley and Sheldon that were newly built in the ’30s and ’40s. They were proud of their new homes and raised all their children there. My family benefited from decent council houses and good communities, and during my campaign I was proud to knock on the doors of three different houses where my parents had lived—on Garretts Green Lane, Frodesley Road and Gleneagles Road. During the campaign, I visited Yardley Great Trust, a charity whose history in the area is even longer than mine. Originating in the 14th century, the Yardley Great Trust has helped to alleviate poverty and support residents in their sickness and old age, and it continues to do so today. In 1966, the Yardley Great Trust gave my mum a grant to help poor local kids stay in education, so that she did not have to leave school to help her single mother with the housekeeping before doing her A-levels. She went on to achieve a great many things and gave me and my brothers a good life and lots of opportunities. Birmingham, Yardley was good to my family, and I plan to repay this debt. I requested to make my maiden speech in this section of the Queen’s Speech debates because, along with all things Birmingham, Yardley, I am deeply committed to improving our country’s response to victims of domestic and sexual violence and abuse in all its forms. Having worked for years in a service that operated refuges, rape crisis, child sexual exploitation services and human trafficking services, I know that we need to do more. We need look no further than at the poor rape conviction rates to know that for very vulnerable victims our justice system is too often just another establishment that has failed to protect them. For years before I sat on these Green Benches—and, I am sure, for many more after—there will have been calls for Government Departments to work better together to understand the multiple and layered effects that our decisions have on people’s lives. I can think of no better example than the interaction between the Department for Work and Pensions and our Justice and Home Affairs Departments. I have no doubt that the Home Secretary is committed to ending child sexual exploitation, and it is true to say that her Department has invested in improving services for victims of sexual violence. However, as a Government, it is no good to give with one hand and take away with another. This Government’s rumoured plans to remove housing benefit from people aged under 21 will be disastrous for these vulnerable victims. While I do not agree with this measure at all, I want to compel the Government to remove from this new legislation vulnerable people in supported accommodation. To make my point, I shall tell the story of Helen. Helen was an 18-year-old girl I met in my first week in my old job, and she has stayed with me for the last six years. She had been abused by her father as a child, and had been in and out of local authority care throughout her—so-called—childhood. Between the ages of 15 and 18, she had been exploited by one “boyfriend” or another, all of them much older than her and none with her best interests at heart. Helen had come to ask for support from our services following her abuse. She was being supported by an independent sexual violence adviser so that she could be helped to give statements to the police, and seek convictions and justice for her childhood abuse. However, following the breakdown of her relationship with her mother and, subsequently, her grandmother, she became homeless, and her life was difficult and chaotic. In the absence of a stable living environment, she again fell victim to those who abused her, and fell out of the justice system. Eventually—after cycles of absconding and returning —we were able to secure supported living for Helen. I remember driving her to what is now my constituency to take her to St Basil’s, a brilliant youth homelessness charity. With the aid of housing benefit and the home she was given, she was able to learn to look after herself and, with support, seek justice in order to move on with her life and make a future. Where will Helen go now, in a future that will not give her housing benefit? How many A and E visits will she make during this Parliament? How many custody suites will she block up? How many police reports will be filed for her by a stretched force? Worse still, how many other people will be abused by those who abused Helen while justice is not done? If that is not enough to alarm the justice and home affairs teams who are sitting opposite me, perhaps I should put it differently: how much will this cost their Departments? In the last Parliament, the domestic violence lobby was able to ensure that victims living in refuges were exempt from universal credit and the benefits cap. Although the Government’s decision was an afterthought, it was the right decision to keep women and children safe. I urge this Government not to make the same mistake of making the most vulnerable young people an afterthought. I urge them to exempt young people who are at risk of homelessness, and those who are in supported accommodation, from their welfare reform. Last year, 25% of the victims who lived in Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid refuges alone were aged between 18 and 21. We must protect these victims. Justice and security do not end in their defined Government Departments. In my constituency, there are lots of Helens, and it is my job to amplify their stories so that we stop finding it easy to look away. I will never look away. I thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker, for the chance to tell that story, and I look forward to telling many more.')

parties and party_dict

Using mp_data.csv manually downloaded from to acquire party affiliations for each mp and generate a dict for quick lookup of an MP's party using their name

In [6]:
#Encoding issue thus the weird kwarg
with open('data/mp_data.csv',  encoding = "ISO-8859-1") as fh:
    mp_data = [x for x in csv.reader(fh)]

party_dict = {}
for mp in mp_data[1:]:
    # forename and surname fields
    name = mp[1] + ' ' + mp[2]
    party = mp[3]
    party_dict.update({name: party})

#Manual clean up of this data
#Add the speakers
party_dict.update({'Mr Speaker': 'Speaker'})
party_dict.update({'Mr Deputy Speaker': 'Speaker'})
party_dict.update({'Mr Speaker-Elect': 'Speaker'})
party_dict.update({'The Chairman': 'Speaker'})
party_dict.update({'The Second Deputy Chairman': 'Speaker'})
party_dict.update({'Madam Deputy Speaker': 'Speaker'})

#add Stephen Philip Rotheram for some reason
party_dict.update({'Stephen Philip Rotheram': 'Labour'})

#add multiple speakers
party_dict.update({'My Lords and Members of the House of Commons':'Multiple'})
party_dict.update({'Members of the House of Commons':'Multiple'})
party_dict.update({'Hon. Members':'Multiple'})
party_dict.update({'Several hon. Members':'Multiple'})

#add none
party_dict.update({None: 'None'})

# parties and MP number
parties = {'UKIP': 1, 
           'Sinn Féin': 4,  
           'Conservative': 330,
           'Labour': 232,  
           'Liberal Democrat': 8,
           'Independent': 1, 
           'UUP': 2, 
           'DUP': 8, 
           'Scottish National Party': 56,
           'Green': 1,
           'Social Democratic and Labour Party': 3, 
           'Plaid Cymru': 3}


For just the actual parties therefore

  • Combining Labour + labour co-op
  • Ignoring None, Multiple, and Speaker "parties"

Get a dict keyed with each MP name and valued with a tuple of their party and a concatenated string of everything they have said

In [74]:
words_spoken_by_mp = {}

for speaker, text in named_text:
        text = text.replace("“", "\"")
        party = party_dict[speaker]
        # remove cruft "parties"
        if party == 'None' or party == 'Multiple' or party == 'Speaker':
        # collapse labour co-op and labour down to one party
        if party == 'Labour/Co-operative':
            party = 'Labour'
        if speaker in words_spoken_by_mp.keys():
            words_spoken_by_mp[speaker] = (party, words_spoken_by_mp[speaker][1] + ' ' + text)
            words_spoken_by_mp.update({speaker: (party, text)})

Tokenize per MP speech

Use NLTK to tokenize each MP's speeches into words. Then stem tally the per MP speech

In [87]:
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize, RegexpTokenizer
from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer

In [83]:
def text_string_to_vocab(speech_string):
    Get unique vocabularly for a given string of transcribed
    Specifically, tokenize this to remove all vocabularly (i.e. just find strings
    of alphanumerical characters) resulting in a list of tokenized words
    Then use the WordNet Lemmatizer for lemmatization
    Convert this lemmatized list into a set to remove redundancy
    and return the length of the non-redundant lemmatization
    lemma = WordNetLemmatizer()
    tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+')
    lemmatized_set = set([lemma.lemmatize(word) for word in tokenizer.tokenize(speech_string)])
    return len(lemmatized_set)

# get MP vocab size in the same format as words_spoken_by_mp but replacing text with len of lemmatized speech
vocab_by_MP = {}
for MP in words_spoken_by_mp.keys():
    vocab_by_MP.update({MP : (words_spoken_by_mp[MP][0], text_string_to_vocab(words_spoken_by_mp[MP][1]))})

Generate the SVG data struct for D3.js visualisation

In [105]:
d3_js_data = []
for MP in vocab_by_MP.keys():
    d3_js_data.append('{{MP: "{0}", id:"{3}", x: .{1}, r: .45, colour: "{2}", vocabulary: "{1}", party: "{2}"}}'.format(MP, vocab_by_MP[MP][1], vocab_by_MP[MP][0], MP.replace('.','').replace(' ','_').replace("'", '')))
d3_data = ",".join(d3_js_data)

In [106]:

'{MP: "Edward Leigh", id:"Edward_Leigh", x: .3569, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "3569", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Michelle Donelan", id:"Michelle_Donelan", x: .1182, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1182", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Jake Berry", id:"Jake_Berry", x: .1477, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1477", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Holly Lynch", id:"Holly_Lynch", x: .928, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "928", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Gloria De Piero", id:"Gloria_De_Piero", x: .823, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "823", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Roberta Blackman-Woods", id:"Roberta_Blackman-Woods", x: .1026, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1026", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Henry Smith", id:"Henry_Smith", x: .1162, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1162", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Neil Gray", id:"Neil_Gray", x: .1810, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1810", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Chuka Umunna", id:"Chuka_Umunna", x: .2030, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2030", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Chris White", id:"Chris_White", x: .475, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "475", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Yvonne Fovargue", id:"Yvonne_Fovargue", x: .956, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "956", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Mims Davies", id:"Mims_Davies", x: .2117, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2117", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Marion Fellows", id:"Marion_Fellows", x: .1169, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1169", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Pauline Latham", id:"Pauline_Latham", x: .1257, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1257", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Will Quince", id:"Will_Quince", x: .1456, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1456", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Mark Hendrick", id:"Mark_Hendrick", x: .459, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "459", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Laurence Robertson", id:"Laurence_Robertson", x: .673, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "673", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Mary Robinson", id:"Mary_Robinson", x: .1001, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1001", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Pat Glass", id:"Pat_Glass", x: .1000, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1000", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Luciana Berger", id:"Luciana_Berger", x: .1216, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1216", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Brandon Lewis", id:"Brandon_Lewis", x: .1808, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1808", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Rob Marris", id:"Rob_Marris", x: .2523, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2523", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Rebecca Long-Bailey", id:"Rebecca_Long-Bailey", x: .1858, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1858", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Clive Lewis", id:"Clive_Lewis", x: .1516, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1516", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Peter Kyle", id:"Peter_Kyle", x: .1456, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1456", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Geoffrey Robinson", id:"Geoffrey_Robinson", x: .590, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "590", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Stephen Timms", id:"Stephen_Timms", x: .1881, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1881", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Greg Knight", id:"Greg_Knight", x: .304, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "304", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Alistair Carmichael", id:"Alistair_Carmichael", x: .2581, r: .45, colour: "Liberal Democrat", vocabulary: "2581", party: "Liberal Democrat"},{MP: "Andrew Turner", id:"Andrew_Turner", x: .661, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "661", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Jim Shannon", id:"Jim_Shannon", x: .3761, r: .45, colour: "DUP", vocabulary: "3761", party: "DUP"},{MP: "Eleanor Laing", id:"Eleanor_Laing", x: .2081, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2081", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Nick Smith", id:"Nick_Smith", x: .709, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "709", party: "Labour"},{MP: "John Mann", id:"John_Mann", x: .1464, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1464", party: "Labour"},{MP: "John Spellar", id:"John_Spellar", x: .752, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "752", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Melanie Onn", id:"Melanie_Onn", x: .1608, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1608", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Derek Twigg", id:"Derek_Twigg", x: .950, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "950", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Anna Soubry", id:"Anna_Soubry", x: .2432, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2432", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Charles Walker", id:"Charles_Walker", x: .1232, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1232", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Ruth Cadbury", id:"Ruth_Cadbury", x: .1872, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1872", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Meg Hillier", id:"Meg_Hillier", x: .851, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "851", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Julian Knight", id:"Julian_Knight", x: .1933, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1933", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Steve Brine", id:"Steve_Brine", x: .1423, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1423", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "James Gray", id:"James_Gray", x: .1255, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1255", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Liam Byrne", id:"Liam_Byrne", x: .1139, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1139", party: "Labour"},{MP: "John Stevenson", id:"John_Stevenson", x: .782, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "782", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Paul Monaghan", id:"Paul_Monaghan", x: .810, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "810", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Maria Eagle", id:"Maria_Eagle", x: .1226, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1226", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Zac Goldsmith", id:"Zac_Goldsmith", x: .792, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "792", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Kirsten Oswald", id:"Kirsten_Oswald", x: .1817, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1817", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Lucy Powell", id:"Lucy_Powell", x: .1573, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1573", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Greg Clark", id:"Greg_Clark", x: .2897, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2897", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Michael Fallon", id:"Michael_Fallon", x: .2839, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2839", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Nigel Dodds", id:"Nigel_Dodds", x: .2084, r: .45, colour: "DUP", vocabulary: "2084", party: "DUP"},{MP: "Tania Mathias", id:"Tania_Mathias", x: .1682, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1682", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Albert Owen", id:"Albert_Owen", x: .988, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "988", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh", id:"Tasmina_Ahmed-Sheikh", x: .2339, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2339", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Lyn Brown", id:"Lyn_Brown", x: .1606, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1606", party: "Labour"},{MP: "David Nuttall", id:"David_Nuttall", x: .2708, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2708", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Karen Buck", id:"Karen_Buck", x: .1872, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1872", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Chi Onwurah", id:"Chi_Onwurah", x: .1428, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1428", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Callum McCaig", id:"Callum_McCaig", x: .1722, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1722", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Andrew Slaughter", id:"Andrew_Slaughter", x: .3076, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "3076", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Tobias Ellwood", id:"Tobias_Ellwood", x: .2451, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2451", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Roger Mullin", id:"Roger_Mullin", x: .2229, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2229", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Andrew Bingham", id:"Andrew_Bingham", x: .884, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "884", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Rebecca Harris", id:"Rebecca_Harris", x: .923, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "923", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Caroline Flint", id:"Caroline_Flint", x: .1790, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1790", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Jamie Reed", id:"Jamie_Reed", x: .1823, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1823", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Chris Heaton-Harris", id:"Chris_Heaton-Harris", x: .1844, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1844", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Harriet Harman", id:"Harriet_Harman", x: .2181, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2181", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Bill Cash", id:"Bill_Cash", x: .3240, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "3240", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Gerald Jones", id:"Gerald_Jones", x: .931, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "931", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Jo Cox", id:"Jo_Cox", x: .1619, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1619", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Alasdair McDonnell", id:"Alasdair_McDonnell", x: .1079, r: .45, colour: "Social Democratic and Labour Party", vocabulary: "1079", party: "Social Democratic and Labour Party"},{MP: "Tom Watson", id:"Tom_Watson", x: .288, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "288", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Nigel Evans", id:"Nigel_Evans", x: .1421, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1421", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Gregory Campbell", id:"Gregory_Campbell", x: .460, r: .45, colour: "DUP", vocabulary: "460", party: "DUP"},{MP: "Stephen Phillips", id:"Stephen_Phillips", x: .2917, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2917", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Rory Stewart", id:"Rory_Stewart", x: .1857, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1857", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Ian Lavery", id:"Ian_Lavery", x: .1611, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1611", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Keith Vaz", id:"Keith_Vaz", x: .2267, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2267", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Jo Johnson", id:"Jo_Johnson", x: .1077, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1077", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Valerie Vaz", id:"Valerie_Vaz", x: .1978, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1978", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Ronnie Cowan", id:"Ronnie_Cowan", x: .1599, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1599", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Oliver Dowden", id:"Oliver_Dowden", x: .1157, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1157", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Byron Davies", id:"Byron_Davies", x: .1438, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1438", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Stephen Gethins", id:"Stephen_Gethins", x: .1455, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1455", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Mary Glindon", id:"Mary_Glindon", x: .413, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "413", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Seema Kennedy", id:"Seema_Kennedy", x: .1647, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1647", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Maggie Throup", id:"Maggie_Throup", x: .1809, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1809", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Shailesh Vara", id:"Shailesh_Vara", x: .1698, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1698", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Michelle Thomson", id:"Michelle_Thomson", x: .1451, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1451", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "David Morris", id:"David_Morris", x: .998, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "998", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Richard Drax", id:"Richard_Drax", x: .1786, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1786", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "James Berry", id:"James_Berry", x: .1767, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1767", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Peter Bone", id:"Peter_Bone", x: .1791, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1791", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Douglas Chapman", id:"Douglas_Chapman", x: .867, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "867", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Alok Sharma", id:"Alok_Sharma", x: .49, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "49", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Fiona Bruce", id:"Fiona_Bruce", x: .3174, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "3174", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Alan Haselhurst", id:"Alan_Haselhurst", x: .968, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "968", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Mhairi Black", id:"Mhairi_Black", x: .943, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "943", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Harry Harpham", id:"Harry_Harpham", x: .988, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "988", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Karin Smyth", id:"Karin_Smyth", x: .1178, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1178", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Martin Vickers", id:"Martin_Vickers", x: .1442, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1442", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Chris Law", id:"Chris_Law", x: .1049, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1049", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Sue Hayman", id:"Sue_Hayman", x: .1345, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1345", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Toby Perkins", id:"Toby_Perkins", x: .1179, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1179", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Martin Docherty", id:"Martin_Docherty", x: .1541, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1541", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Helen Whately", id:"Helen_Whately", x: .1691, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1691", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Ian Murray", id:"Ian_Murray", x: .3125, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "3125", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Hywel Williams", id:"Hywel_Williams", x: .1678, r: .45, colour: "Plaid Cymru", vocabulary: "1678", party: "Plaid Cymru"},{MP: "Steve Pound", id:"Steve_Pound", x: .1292, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1292", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Justin Madders", id:"Justin_Madders", x: .2028, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2028", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Craig Whittaker", id:"Craig_Whittaker", x: .1000, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1000", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Angela Crawley", id:"Angela_Crawley", x: .1501, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1501", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Barry Sheerman", id:"Barry_Sheerman", x: .1546, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1546", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Alan Johnson", id:"Alan_Johnson", x: .1077, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1077", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Nadine Dorries", id:"Nadine_Dorries", x: .388, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "388", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Adrian Bailey", id:"Adrian_Bailey", x: .1038, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1038", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Paul Maynard", id:"Paul_Maynard", x: .894, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "894", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Angus MacNeil", id:"Angus_MacNeil", x: .2301, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2301", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Edward Argar", id:"Edward_Argar", x: .1249, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1249", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Robert Buckland", id:"Robert_Buckland", x: .1087, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1087", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Gareth Johnson", id:"Gareth_Johnson", x: .891, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "891", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Royston Smith", id:"Royston_Smith", x: .390, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "390", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Peter Dowd", id:"Peter_Dowd", x: .2021, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2021", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Mark Pritchard", id:"Mark_Pritchard", x: .732, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "732", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Bob Neill", id:"Bob_Neill", x: .1843, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1843", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Alun Cairns", id:"Alun_Cairns", x: .1288, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1288", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "James Heappey", id:"James_Heappey", x: .1138, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1138", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Simon Burns", id:"Simon_Burns", x: .1246, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1246", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Philip Hammond", id:"Philip_Hammond", x: .3668, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "3668", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Louise Haigh", id:"Louise_Haigh", x: .2341, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2341", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Mike Kane", id:"Mike_Kane", x: .605, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "605", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Margaret Beckett", id:"Margaret_Beckett", x: .337, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "337", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Paul Farrelly", id:"Paul_Farrelly", x: .1091, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1091", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Kevin Hollinrake", id:"Kevin_Hollinrake", x: .1588, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1588", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Ian Lucas", id:"Ian_Lucas", x: .1078, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1078", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Chris Green", id:"Chris_Green", x: .1193, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1193", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Hugo Swire", id:"Hugo_Swire", x: .1470, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1470", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Johnny Mercer", id:"Johnny_Mercer", x: .1508, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1508", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Michael Dugher", id:"Michael_Dugher", x: .798, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "798", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Michael Gove", id:"Michael_Gove", x: .1849, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1849", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Mark Francois", id:"Mark_Francois", x: .930, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "930", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Alex Cunningham", id:"Alex_Cunningham", x: .1758, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1758", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Ian Mearns", id:"Ian_Mearns", x: .664, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "664", party: "Labour"},{MP: "James Davies", id:"James_Davies", x: .1437, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1437", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Jason McCartney", id:"Jason_McCartney", x: .1095, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1095", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Richard Bacon", id:"Richard_Bacon", x: .1588, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1588", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Alison Thewliss", id:"Alison_Thewliss", x: .2331, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2331", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Colleen Fletcher", id:"Colleen_Fletcher", x: .661, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "661", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Tracey Crouch", id:"Tracey_Crouch", x: .1770, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1770", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Dominic Grieve", id:"Dominic_Grieve", x: .1881, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1881", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Andy Burnham", id:"Andy_Burnham", x: .3020, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "3020", party: "Labour"},{MP: "William Wragg", id:"William_Wragg", x: .2243, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2243", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Peter Grant", id:"Peter_Grant", x: .2548, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2548", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Jess Phillips", id:"Jess_Phillips", x: .1332, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1332", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Kwasi Kwarteng", id:"Kwasi_Kwarteng", x: .1174, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1174", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Mark Prisk", id:"Mark_Prisk", x: .708, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "708", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Angela Smith", id:"Angela_Smith", x: .904, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "904", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Fabian Hamilton", id:"Fabian_Hamilton", x: .400, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "400", party: "Labour"},{MP: "David Crausby", id:"David_Crausby", x: .1472, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1472", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Sharon Hodgson", id:"Sharon_Hodgson", x: .867, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "867", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Seema Malhotra", id:"Seema_Malhotra", x: .1990, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1990", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Angela Eagle", id:"Angela_Eagle", x: .3304, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "3304", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Gerald Howarth", id:"Gerald_Howarth", x: .2608, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2608", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Stewart Jackson", id:"Stewart_Jackson", x: .1555, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1555", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Jesse Norman", id:"Jesse_Norman", x: .647, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "647", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Craig Tracey", id:"Craig_Tracey", x: .777, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "777", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Debbie Abrahams", id:"Debbie_Abrahams", x: .1882, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1882", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Phillip Lee", id:"Phillip_Lee", x: .1730, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1730", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Tom Pursglove", id:"Tom_Pursglove", x: .1938, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1938", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Gary Streeter", id:"Gary_Streeter", x: .1030, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1030", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "James Wharton", id:"James_Wharton", x: .2712, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2712", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Philip Davies", id:"Philip_Davies", x: .3932, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "3932", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Anne Marie Morris", id:"Anne_Marie_Morris", x: .1355, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1355", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Andrew Bridgen", id:"Andrew_Bridgen", x: .1978, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1978", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Lindsay Hoyle", id:"Lindsay_Hoyle", x: .2057, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2057", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Caroline Lucas", id:"Caroline_Lucas", x: .3082, r: .45, colour: "Green", vocabulary: "3082", party: "Green"},{MP: "Edward Timpson", id:"Edward_Timpson", x: .1791, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1791", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Jim Dowd", id:"Jim_Dowd", x: .753, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "753", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Nick Brown", id:"Nick_Brown", x: .548, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "548", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Mike Freer", id:"Mike_Freer", x: .419, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "419", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Teresa Pearce", id:"Teresa_Pearce", x: .1047, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1047", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Sajid Javid", id:"Sajid_Javid", x: .2601, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2601", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Wendy Morton", id:"Wendy_Morton", x: .1780, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1780", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Mark Spencer", id:"Mark_Spencer", x: .971, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "971", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Emma Reynolds", id:"Emma_Reynolds", x: .1708, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1708", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Pete Wishart", id:"Pete_Wishart", x: .2858, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2858", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Peter Lilley", id:"Peter_Lilley", x: .1301, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1301", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Graham Brady", id:"Graham_Brady", x: .1341, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1341", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Derek Thomas", id:"Derek_Thomas", x: .703, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "703", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "David Cameron", id:"David_Cameron", x: .6221, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "6221", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Elizabeth Truss", id:"Elizabeth_Truss", x: .1773, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1773", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "David Jones", id:"David_Jones", x: .1205, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1205", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Richard Arkless", id:"Richard_Arkless", x: .1589, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1589", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Keir Starmer", id:"Keir_Starmer", x: .2457, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2457", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Paula Sherriff", id:"Paula_Sherriff", x: .1690, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1690", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Philip Hollobone", id:"Philip_Hollobone", x: .1551, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1551", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Tulip Siddiq", id:"Tulip_Siddiq", x: .1151, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1151", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Matthew Hancock", id:"Matthew_Hancock", x: .1260, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1260", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "David Simpson", id:"David_Simpson", x: .471, r: .45, colour: "DUP", vocabulary: "471", party: "DUP"},{MP: "Maria Miller", id:"Maria_Miller", x: .1826, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1826", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Chris Stephens", id:"Chris_Stephens", x: .2350, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2350", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Nick Herbert", id:"Nick_Herbert", x: .996, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "996", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Michael Tomlinson", id:"Michael_Tomlinson", x: .939, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "939", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Amanda Solloway", id:"Amanda_Solloway", x: .862, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "862", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Stuart McDonald", id:"Stuart_McDonald", x: .2423, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2423", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Emily Thornberry", id:"Emily_Thornberry", x: .2715, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2715", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Brendan O\'Hara", id:"Brendan_OHara", x: .1839, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1839", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Jo Churchill", id:"Jo_Churchill", x: .1950, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1950", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Peter Heaton-Jones", id:"Peter_Heaton-Jones", x: .1010, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1010", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Tim Loughton", id:"Tim_Loughton", x: .2230, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2230", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Jeremy Hunt", id:"Jeremy_Hunt", x: .2924, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2924", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "John Woodcock", id:"John_Woodcock", x: .1096, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1096", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Steve Double", id:"Steve_Double", x: .962, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "962", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "John Glen", id:"John_Glen", x: .1773, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1773", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Tommy Sheppard", id:"Tommy_Sheppard", x: .2498, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2498", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Fiona Mactaggart", id:"Fiona_Mactaggart", x: .1615, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1615", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Glyn Davies", id:"Glyn_Davies", x: .537, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "537", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Amanda Milling", id:"Amanda_Milling", x: .1093, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1093", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Ian Blackford", id:"Ian_Blackford", x: .2715, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2715", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Ronnie Campbell", id:"Ronnie_Campbell", x: .392, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "392", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Anne-Marie Trevelyan", id:"Anne-Marie_Trevelyan", x: .1408, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1408", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Owen Smith", id:"Owen_Smith", x: .1573, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1573", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Rob Wilson", id:"Rob_Wilson", x: .910, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "910", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Gavin Robinson", id:"Gavin_Robinson", x: .2177, r: .45, colour: "DUP", vocabulary: "2177", party: "DUP"},{MP: "Christina Rees", id:"Christina_Rees", x: .1288, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1288", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Mark Durkan", id:"Mark_Durkan", x: .3392, r: .45, colour: "Social Democratic and Labour Party", vocabulary: "3392", party: "Social Democratic and Labour Party"},{MP: "Richard Harrington", id:"Richard_Harrington", x: .737, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "737", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Richard Graham", id:"Richard_Graham", x: .1674, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1674", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Vernon Coaker", id:"Vernon_Coaker", x: .1788, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1788", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Christopher Chope", id:"Christopher_Chope", x: .2094, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2094", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Gisela Stuart", id:"Gisela_Stuart", x: .1338, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1338", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Yvette Cooper", id:"Yvette_Cooper", x: .2743, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2743", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Stewart McDonald", id:"Stewart_McDonald", x: .1470, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1470", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Nigel Mills", id:"Nigel_Mills", x: .1239, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1239", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Wes Streeting", id:"Wes_Streeting", x: .2164, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2164", party: "Labour"},{MP: "George Freeman", id:"George_Freeman", x: .2654, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2654", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "John Penrose", id:"John_Penrose", x: .1849, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1849", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Naseem Shah", id:"Naseem_Shah", x: .495, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "495", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Patrick Grady", id:"Patrick_Grady", x: .2289, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2289", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Ranil Jayawardena", id:"Ranil_Jayawardena", x: .1279, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1279", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Alberto Costa", id:"Alberto_Costa", x: .940, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "940", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Alison McGovern", id:"Alison_McGovern", x: .2249, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2249", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Victoria Atkins", id:"Victoria_Atkins", x: .1174, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1174", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Simon Danczuk", id:"Simon_Danczuk", x: .465, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "465", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Karen Bradley", id:"Karen_Bradley", x: .1198, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1198", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Iain Stewart", id:"Iain_Stewart", x: .1325, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1325", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Caroline Spelman", id:"Caroline_Spelman", x: .1846, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1846", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Jo Stevens", id:"Jo_Stevens", x: .1096, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1096", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Ben Bradshaw", id:"Ben_Bradshaw", x: .1158, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1158", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Mike Gapes", id:"Mike_Gapes", x: .1479, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1479", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Justin Tomlinson", id:"Justin_Tomlinson", x: .1455, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1455", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Lucy Allan", id:"Lucy_Allan", x: .1127, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1127", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "David Burrowes", id:"David_Burrowes", x: .2808, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2808", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Penny Mordaunt", id:"Penny_Mordaunt", x: .1652, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1652", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "David Tredinnick", id:"David_Tredinnick", x: .1246, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1246", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Guto Bebb", id:"Guto_Bebb", x: .1161, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1161", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Bridget Phillipson", id:"Bridget_Phillipson", x: .349, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "349", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Ian Paisley Jnr", id:"Ian_Paisley_Jnr", x: .1858, r: .45, colour: "DUP", vocabulary: "1858", party: "DUP"},{MP: "Jenny Chapman", id:"Jenny_Chapman", x: .736, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "736", party: "Labour"},{MP: "David Rutley", id:"David_Rutley", x: .1779, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1779", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Theresa Villiers", id:"Theresa_Villiers", x: .2357, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2357", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Geraint Davies", id:"Geraint_Davies", x: .2004, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2004", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Craig Williams", id:"Craig_Williams", x: .1303, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1303", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Helen Grant", id:"Helen_Grant", x: .75, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "75", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Chris Philp", id:"Chris_Philp", x: .1694, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1694", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Douglas Carswell", id:"Douglas_Carswell", x: .1263, r: .45, colour: "UKIP", vocabulary: "1263", party: "UKIP"},{MP: "Khalid Mahmood", id:"Khalid_Mahmood", x: .1000, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1000", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Grant Shapps", id:"Grant_Shapps", x: .791, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "791", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Richard Burgon", id:"Richard_Burgon", x: .1259, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1259", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Hilary Benn", id:"Hilary_Benn", x: .2236, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2236", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Martyn Day", id:"Martyn_Day", x: .762, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "762", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Andrew Gwynne", id:"Andrew_Gwynne", x: .2605, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2605", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Roger Gale", id:"Roger_Gale", x: .1067, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1067", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Sylvia Hermon", id:"Sylvia_Hermon", x: .1102, r: .45, colour: "Independent", vocabulary: "1102", party: "Independent"},{MP: "Margaret Ritchie", id:"Margaret_Ritchie", x: .1753, r: .45, colour: "Social Democratic and Labour Party", vocabulary: "1753", party: "Social Democratic and Labour Party"},{MP: "Clive Betts", id:"Clive_Betts", x: .1770, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1770", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Margaret Greenwood", id:"Margaret_Greenwood", x: .1061, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1061", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Natascha Engel", id:"Natascha_Engel", x: .1775, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1775", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Graham Allen", id:"Graham_Allen", x: .3831, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "3831", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Kevin Barron", id:"Kevin_Barron", x: .683, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "683", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Liz Saville-Roberts", id:"Liz_Saville-Roberts", x: .1674, r: .45, colour: "Plaid Cymru", vocabulary: "1674", party: "Plaid Cymru"},{MP: "Conor Burns", id:"Conor_Burns", x: .439, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "439", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Lisa Nandy", id:"Lisa_Nandy", x: .1051, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1051", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Nigel Huddleston", id:"Nigel_Huddleston", x: .1100, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1100", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Michael Ellis", id:"Michael_Ellis", x: .622, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "622", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Julie Elliott", id:"Julie_Elliott", x: .814, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "814", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Greg Mulholland", id:"Greg_Mulholland", x: .1418, r: .45, colour: "Liberal Democrat", vocabulary: "1418", party: "Liberal Democrat"},{MP: "James Morris", id:"James_Morris", x: .1206, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1206", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Kate Green", id:"Kate_Green", x: .2418, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2418", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Clive Efford", id:"Clive_Efford", x: .1698, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1698", party: "Labour"},{MP: "John McNally", id:"John_McNally", x: .827, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "827", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Dan Jarvis", id:"Dan_Jarvis", x: .1047, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1047", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Gavin Shuker", id:"Gavin_Shuker", x: .1018, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1018", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Chris Skidmore", id:"Chris_Skidmore", x: .460, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "460", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Jim Cunningham", id:"Jim_Cunningham", x: .1153, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1153", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Nicky Morgan", id:"Nicky_Morgan", x: .3306, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "3306", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Stella Creasy", id:"Stella_Creasy", x: .1091, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1091", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Oliver Colvile", id:"Oliver_Colvile", x: .1574, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1574", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Lucy Frazer", id:"Lucy_Frazer", x: .1666, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1666", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Scott Mann", id:"Scott_Mann", x: .1271, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1271", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "John Martin McDonnell", id:"John_Martin_McDonnell", x: .2870, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2870", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Margaret Ferrier", id:"Margaret_Ferrier", x: .1957, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1957", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Jack Dromey", id:"Jack_Dromey", x: .2053, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2053", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Emma Lewell-Buck", id:"Emma_Lewell-Buck", x: .683, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "683", party: "Labour"},{MP: "John Baron", id:"John_Baron", x: .1630, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1630", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Ben Wallace", id:"Ben_Wallace", x: .1693, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1693", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Andrew Smith", id:"Andrew_Smith", x: .592, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "592", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Graham Stuart", id:"Graham_Stuart", x: .1866, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1866", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Kit Malthouse", id:"Kit_Malthouse", x: .2136, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2136", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Karl Turner", id:"Karl_Turner", x: .271, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "271", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Gareth Thomas", id:"Gareth_Thomas", x: .1138, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1138", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Claire Perry", id:"Claire_Perry", x: .1507, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1507", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Catherine McKinnell", id:"Catherine_McKinnell", x: .516, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "516", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Peter Bottomley", id:"Peter_Bottomley", x: .1028, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1028", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Christopher Pincher", id:"Christopher_Pincher", x: .834, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "834", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Huw Irranca-Davies", id:"Huw_Irranca-Davies", x: .1428, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1428", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Simon Hart", id:"Simon_Hart", x: .21, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "21", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Vicky Foxcroft", id:"Vicky_Foxcroft", x: .1025, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1025", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Jacob Rees-Mogg", id:"Jacob_Rees-Mogg", x: .3303, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "3303", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Gerald Kaufman", id:"Gerald_Kaufman", x: .1565, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1565", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Flick Drummond", id:"Flick_Drummond", x: .1740, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1740", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Stewart Hosie", id:"Stewart_Hosie", x: .2761, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2761", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Crispin Blunt", id:"Crispin_Blunt", x: .1407, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1407", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Charlotte Leslie", id:"Charlotte_Leslie", x: .691, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "691", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Michael Fabricant", id:"Michael_Fabricant", x: .1014, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1014", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Iain Wright", id:"Iain_Wright", x: .1903, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1903", party: "Labour"},{MP: "John Cryer", id:"John_Cryer", x: .229, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "229", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Marcus Fysh", id:"Marcus_Fysh", x: .1556, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1556", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Mary Creagh", id:"Mary_Creagh", x: .1781, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1781", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Chris Davies", id:"Chris_Davies", x: .858, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "858", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Robert Jenrick", id:"Robert_Jenrick", x: .2246, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2246", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Andy McDonald", id:"Andy_McDonald", x: .1458, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1458", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Diana R. Johnson", id:"Diana_R_Johnson", x: .2280, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2280", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Chris Bryant", id:"Chris_Bryant", x: .3982, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "3982", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Damian Collins", id:"Damian_Collins", x: .1153, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1153", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Lilian Greenwood", id:"Lilian_Greenwood", x: .1133, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1133", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Neil Coyle", id:"Neil_Coyle", x: .1152, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1152", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Jonathan Edwards", id:"Jonathan_Edwards", x: .1712, r: .45, colour: "Plaid Cymru", vocabulary: "1712", party: "Plaid Cymru"},{MP: "Kate Osamor", id:"Kate_Osamor", x: .1674, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1674", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Maria Caulfield", id:"Maria_Caulfield", x: .1758, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1758", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Barry Gardiner", id:"Barry_Gardiner", x: .1650, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1650", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Jeffrey M. Donaldson", id:"Jeffrey_M_Donaldson", x: .648, r: .45, colour: "DUP", vocabulary: "648", party: "DUP"},{MP: "Tom Elliott", id:"Tom_Elliott", x: .1188, r: .45, colour: "UUP", vocabulary: "1188", party: "UUP"},{MP: "Roger Godsiff", id:"Roger_Godsiff", x: .693, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "693", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Barbara Keeley", id:"Barbara_Keeley", x: .3045, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "3045", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Kenneth Clarke", id:"Kenneth_Clarke", x: .2228, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2228", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Andrew Murrison", id:"Andrew_Murrison", x: .2402, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2402", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Neil Parish", id:"Neil_Parish", x: .638, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "638", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Henry Bellingham", id:"Henry_Bellingham", x: .1440, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1440", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Carol Monaghan", id:"Carol_Monaghan", x: .1187, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1187", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Stuart Donaldson", id:"Stuart_Donaldson", x: .806, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "806", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Matthew Pennycook", id:"Matthew_Pennycook", x: .1460, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1460", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Jack Lopresti", id:"Jack_Lopresti", x: .956, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "956", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Phil Boswell", id:"Phil_Boswell", x: .612, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "612", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Jonathan Djanogly", id:"Jonathan_Djanogly", x: .583, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "583", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Chris Grayling", id:"Chris_Grayling", x: .5463, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "5463", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Robin Walker", id:"Robin_Walker", x: .1409, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1409", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Boris Johnson", id:"Boris_Johnson", x: .1284, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1284", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Anna Turley", id:"Anna_Turley", x: .2155, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2155", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Julie Cooper", id:"Julie_Cooper", x: .1520, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1520", party: "Labour"},{MP: "David Mackintosh", id:"David_Mackintosh", x: .974, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "974", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Louise Ellman", id:"Louise_Ellman", x: .1169, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1169", party: "Labour"},{MP: "George Kerevan", id:"George_Kerevan", x: .1812, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1812", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Alex Salmond", id:"Alex_Salmond", x: .3951, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "3951", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Heidi Alexander", id:"Heidi_Alexander", x: .1729, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1729", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Alan Mak", id:"Alan_Mak", x: .2003, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2003", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Bill Wiggin", id:"Bill_Wiggin", x: .808, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "808", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Siobhain McDonagh", id:"Siobhain_McDonagh", x: .1693, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1693", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Dawn Butler", id:"Dawn_Butler", x: .1300, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1300", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Andrew Selous", id:"Andrew_Selous", x: .1554, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1554", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Ed Vaizey", id:"Ed_Vaizey", x: .2316, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2316", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Steve McCabe", id:"Steve_McCabe", x: .1902, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1902", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Ruth Smeeth", id:"Ruth_Smeeth", x: .1512, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1512", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Imran Hussain", id:"Imran_Hussain", x: .1148, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1148", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Thomas Tugendhat", id:"Thomas_Tugendhat", x: .2127, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2127", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Craig Mackinlay", id:"Craig_Mackinlay", x: .1699, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1699", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Karl McCartney", id:"Karl_McCartney", x: .576, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "576", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Rosie Winterton", id:"Rosie_Winterton", x: .7, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "7", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Stuart Andrew", id:"Stuart_Andrew", x: .592, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "592", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Stephen Hepburn", id:"Stephen_Hepburn", x: .197, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "197", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Bob Blackman", id:"Bob_Blackman", x: .2319, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2319", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Mark Garnier", id:"Mark_Garnier", x: .977, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "977", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Alex Chalk", id:"Alex_Chalk", x: .1795, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1795", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Cheryl Gillan", id:"Cheryl_Gillan", x: .2428, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2428", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Kevin Brennan", id:"Kevin_Brennan", x: .3009, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "3009", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Tom Brake", id:"Tom_Brake", x: .2165, r: .45, colour: "Liberal Democrat", vocabulary: "2165", party: "Liberal Democrat"},{MP: "Geoffrey Clifton-Brown", id:"Geoffrey_Clifton-Brown", x: .1408, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1408", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Rupa Huq", id:"Rupa_Huq", x: .2428, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2428", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Gordon Marsden", id:"Gordon_Marsden", x: .1201, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1201", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Rosie Cooper", id:"Rosie_Cooper", x: .109, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "109", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Alan Meale", id:"Alan_Meale", x: .203, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "203", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Nicholas Boles", id:"Nicholas_Boles", x: .2457, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2457", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Alec Shelbrooke", id:"Alec_Shelbrooke", x: .1389, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1389", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Paul Scully", id:"Paul_Scully", x: .906, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "906", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Theresa May", id:"Theresa_May", x: .4282, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "4282", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Pat McFadden", id:"Pat_McFadden", x: .2249, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2249", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Matt Warman", id:"Matt_Warman", x: .1443, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1443", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Angus Robertson", id:"Angus_Robertson", x: .3256, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "3256", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Kevin Foster", id:"Kevin_Foster", x: .2428, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2428", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Steven Paterson", id:"Steven_Paterson", x: .1116, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1116", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "John Howell", id:"John_Howell", x: .1389, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1389", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Nick Clegg", id:"Nick_Clegg", x: .1315, r: .45, colour: "Liberal Democrat", vocabulary: "1315", party: "Liberal Democrat"},{MP: "Anne Milton", id:"Anne_Milton", x: .2, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Heidi Allen", id:"Heidi_Allen", x: .1466, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1466", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Catherine West", id:"Catherine_West", x: .2116, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2116", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Gavin Newlands", id:"Gavin_Newlands", x: .1739, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1739", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Phil Wilson", id:"Phil_Wilson", x: .1144, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1144", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Damian Hinds", id:"Damian_Hinds", x: .2284, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2284", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Susan Elan Jones", id:"Susan_Elan_Jones", x: .891, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "891", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Rob Flello", id:"Rob_Flello", x: .2257, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2257", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Stephen Kinnock", id:"Stephen_Kinnock", x: .1823, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1823", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Jim Fitzpatrick", id:"Jim_Fitzpatrick", x: .878, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "878", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Stephen Crabb", id:"Stephen_Crabb", x: .1358, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1358", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Nicholas Soames", id:"Nicholas_Soames", x: .356, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "356", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Tim Farron", id:"Tim_Farron", x: .1866, r: .45, colour: "Liberal Democrat", vocabulary: "1866", party: "Liberal Democrat"},{MP: "Ann Coffey", id:"Ann_Coffey", x: .1086, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1086", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Judith Cummins", id:"Judith_Cummins", x: .712, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "712", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Jeff Smith", id:"Jeff_Smith", x: .1158, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1158", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Huw Merriman", id:"Huw_Merriman", x: .2314, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2314", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Stephen McPartland", id:"Stephen_McPartland", x: .562, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "562", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Frank Field", id:"Frank_Field", x: .1556, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1556", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Julian Brazier", id:"Julian_Brazier", x: .735, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "735", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Tom Blenkinsop", id:"Tom_Blenkinsop", x: .1339, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1339", party: "Labour"},{MP: "John Healey", id:"John_Healey", x: .1709, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1709", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Helen Jones", id:"Helen_Jones", x: .767, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "767", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Graham Jones", id:"Graham_Jones", x: .916, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "916", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Luke Hall", id:"Luke_Hall", x: .1087, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1087", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Sammy Wilson", id:"Sammy_Wilson", x: .2457, r: .45, colour: "DUP", vocabulary: "2457", party: "DUP"},{MP: "Virendra Sharma", id:"Virendra_Sharma", x: .463, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "463", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Carolyn Harris", id:"Carolyn_Harris", x: .1321, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1321", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Liz McInnes", id:"Liz_McInnes", x: .2229, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2229", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Stephen Barclay", id:"Stephen_Barclay", x: .2, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Caroline Nokes", id:"Caroline_Nokes", x: .1281, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1281", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Priti Patel", id:"Priti_Patel", x: .2191, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2191", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Danny Kinahan", id:"Danny_Kinahan", x: .1792, r: .45, colour: "UUP", vocabulary: "1792", party: "UUP"},{MP: "James Cartlidge", id:"James_Cartlidge", x: .1927, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1927", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Chris Evans", id:"Chris_Evans", x: .1392, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1392", party: "Labour"},{MP: "David Mundell", id:"David_Mundell", x: .2451, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2451", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Chris Leslie", id:"Chris_Leslie", x: .2273, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2273", party: "Labour"},{MP: "David Davies", id:"David_Davies", x: .1673, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1673", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Patrick McLoughlin", id:"Patrick_McLoughlin", x: .2549, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2549", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Mark Menzies", id:"Mark_Menzies", x: .1114, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1114", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Paul Beresford", id:"Paul_Beresford", x: .633, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "633", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Anne Main", id:"Anne_Main", x: .2322, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2322", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Grahame Morris", id:"Grahame_Morris", x: .1174, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1174", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Mark Williams", id:"Mark_Williams", x: .1644, r: .45, colour: "Liberal Democrat", vocabulary: "1644", party: "Liberal Democrat"},{MP: "Natalie McGarry", id:"Natalie_McGarry", x: .1393, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1393", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Bernard Jenkin", id:"Bernard_Jenkin", x: .2251, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2251", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Paul Blomfield", id:"Paul_Blomfield", x: .1514, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1514", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Mike Penning", id:"Mike_Penning", x: .2173, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2173", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Nick Gibb", id:"Nick_Gibb", x: .1845, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1845", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Margaret Hodge", id:"Margaret_Hodge", x: .582, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "582", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Ian Austin", id:"Ian_Austin", x: .1901, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1901", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Gordon Henderson", id:"Gordon_Henderson", x: .427, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "427", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Daniel Poulter", id:"Daniel_Poulter", x: .1185, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1185", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Andrea Jenkyns", id:"Andrea_Jenkyns", x: .1086, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1086", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Jeremy Corbyn", id:"Jeremy_Corbyn", x: .2770, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2770", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Amber Rudd", id:"Amber_Rudd", x: .2354, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2354", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "John Nicolson", id:"John_Nicolson", x: .1313, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1313", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "David Winnick", id:"David_Winnick", x: .1374, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1374", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Kate Hoey", id:"Kate_Hoey", x: .955, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "955", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Deidre Brock", id:"Deidre_Brock", x: .1386, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1386", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Antoinette Sandbach", id:"Antoinette_Sandbach", x: .1779, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1779", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Andrew Tyrie", id:"Andrew_Tyrie", x: .1157, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1157", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Edward Garnier", id:"Edward_Garnier", x: .738, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "738", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "John Hayes", id:"John_Hayes", x: .1049, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1049", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Jeremy Lefroy", id:"Jeremy_Lefroy", x: .2422, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2422", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Stephen Twigg", id:"Stephen_Twigg", x: .1371, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1371", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Nicola Blackwood", id:"Nicola_Blackwood", x: .1089, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1089", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Corri Wilson", id:"Corri_Wilson", x: .669, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "669", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Richard Fuller", id:"Richard_Fuller", x: .1616, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1616", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Graham Stringer", id:"Graham_Stringer", x: .1162, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1162", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Ian Liddell-Grainger", id:"Ian_Liddell-Grainger", x: .1383, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1383", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Angela Rayner", id:"Angela_Rayner", x: .1323, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1323", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Jon Ashworth", id:"Jon_Ashworth", x: .1182, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1182", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Mark Lancaster", id:"Mark_Lancaster", x: .2244, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2244", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "James Brokenshire", id:"James_Brokenshire", x: .2895, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2895", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Helen Hayes", id:"Helen_Hayes", x: .1313, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1313", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Stephen Doughty", id:"Stephen_Doughty", x: .1891, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1891", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Desmond Swayne", id:"Desmond_Swayne", x: .981, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "981", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Mark Harper", id:"Mark_Harper", x: .1, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Mark Pawsey", id:"Mark_Pawsey", x: .1358, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1358", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Conor McGinn", id:"Conor_McGinn", x: .855, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "855", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Daniel Zeichner", id:"Daniel_Zeichner", x: .2675, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2675", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Ben Howlett", id:"Ben_Howlett", x: .1906, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1906", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Andrew Percy", id:"Andrew_Percy", x: .1635, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1635", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Nick Hurd", id:"Nick_Hurd", x: .506, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "506", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Eilidh Whiteford", id:"Eilidh_Whiteford", x: .2767, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2767", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Paul Flynn", id:"Paul_Flynn", x: .2817, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2817", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Philip Dunne", id:"Philip_Dunne", x: .2792, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2792", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Victoria Borwick", id:"Victoria_Borwick", x: .986, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "986", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Neil Carmichael", id:"Neil_Carmichael", x: .1366, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1366", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Hannah Bardell", id:"Hannah_Bardell", x: .2895, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2895", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "James Duddridge", id:"James_Duddridge", x: .1996, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1996", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Norman Lamb", id:"Norman_Lamb", x: .2130, r: .45, colour: "Liberal Democrat", vocabulary: "2130", party: "Liberal Democrat"},{MP: "Oliver Heald", id:"Oliver_Heald", x: .506, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "506", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Robert Goodwill", id:"Robert_Goodwill", x: .2606, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2606", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Yasmin Qureshi", id:"Yasmin_Qureshi", x: .629, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "629", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Sheryll Murray", id:"Sheryll_Murray", x: .1023, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1023", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Liam Fox", id:"Liam_Fox", x: .2120, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2120", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Jon Cruddas", id:"Jon_Cruddas", x: .650, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "650", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Sam Gyimah", id:"Sam_Gyimah", x: .1462, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1462", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Jonathan Lord", id:"Jonathan_Lord", x: .48, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "48", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Eric Pickles", id:"Eric_Pickles", x: .233, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "233", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Jeremy Quin", id:"Jeremy_Quin", x: .1569, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1569", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Thangam Debbonaire", id:"Thangam_Debbonaire", x: .1009, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1009", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Andrew Rosindell", id:"Andrew_Rosindell", x: .997, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "997", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Richard Benyon", id:"Richard_Benyon", x: .1027, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1027", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Ann Clwyd", id:"Ann_Clwyd", x: .1282, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1282", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Mike Wood", id:"Mike_Wood", x: .2159, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2159", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Kelvin Hopkins", id:"Kelvin_Hopkins", x: .2251, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2251", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Caroline Dinenage", id:"Caroline_Dinenage", x: .2148, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2148", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Drew Hendry", id:"Drew_Hendry", x: .1868, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1868", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Nigel Adams", id:"Nigel_Adams", x: .1039, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1039", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Sarah Champion", id:"Sarah_Champion", x: .1332, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1332", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Michael Meacher", id:"Michael_Meacher", x: .844, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "844", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Rehman Chishti", id:"Rehman_Chishti", x: .1297, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1297", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Michael Weir", id:"Michael_Weir", x: .484, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "484", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Robert Halfon", id:"Robert_Halfon", x: .251, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "251", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Stephen Metcalfe", id:"Stephen_Metcalfe", x: .589, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "589", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Angela Watkinson", id:"Angela_Watkinson", x: .819, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "819", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Gavin Williamson", id:"Gavin_Williamson", x: .218, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "218", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Andrew Stephenson", id:"Andrew_Stephenson", x: .1582, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1582", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Bill Esterson", id:"Bill_Esterson", x: .1571, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1571", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Andrew Griffiths", id:"Andrew_Griffiths", x: .356, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "356", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "David Warburton", id:"David_Warburton", x: .740, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "740", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Nicholas Dakin", id:"Nicholas_Dakin", x: .1568, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1568", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Sarah Wollaston", id:"Sarah_Wollaston", x: .1843, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1843", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Chloe Smith", id:"Chloe_Smith", x: .1966, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1966", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Peter Aldous", id:"Peter_Aldous", x: .1347, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1347", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Calum Kerr", id:"Calum_Kerr", x: .1072, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1072", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Rachael Maskell", id:"Rachael_Maskell", x: .2002, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2002", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Sadiq Khan", id:"Sadiq_Khan", x: .765, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "765", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Owen Thompson", id:"Owen_Thompson", x: .1197, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1197", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Julian Lewis", id:"Julian_Lewis", x: .2110, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2110", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Karen Lumley", id:"Karen_Lumley", x: .278, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "278", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Iain Duncan Smith", id:"Iain_Duncan_Smith", x: .2441, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2441", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Andrew Mitchell", id:"Andrew_Mitchell", x: .1019, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1019", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Andrea Leadsom", id:"Andrea_Leadsom", x: .2077, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2077", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Patricia Gibson", id:"Patricia_Gibson", x: .2088, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2088", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Andrew Jones", id:"Andrew_Jones", x: .2297, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2297", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Anne McLaughlin", id:"Anne_McLaughlin", x: .2412, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2412", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Nadhim Zahawi", id:"Nadhim_Zahawi", x: .1010, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1010", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Victoria Prentis", id:"Victoria_Prentis", x: .1039, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1039", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Simon Hoare", id:"Simon_Hoare", x: .2744, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2744", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Ivan Lewis", id:"Ivan_Lewis", x: .678, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "678", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Cat Smith", id:"Cat_Smith", x: .1934, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1934", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Richard Burden", id:"Richard_Burden", x: .1198, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1198", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Dennis Skinner", id:"Dennis_Skinner", x: .947, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "947", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Liz Kendall", id:"Liz_Kendall", x: .514, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "514", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Steven Baker", id:"Steven_Baker", x: .1521, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1521", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Helen Goodman", id:"Helen_Goodman", x: .2311, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2311", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Nusrat Ghani", id:"Nusrat_Ghani", x: .1263, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1263", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Joan Ryan", id:"Joan_Ryan", x: .1578, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1578", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Alan Campbell", id:"Alan_Campbell", x: .104, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "104", party: "Labour"},{MP: "John Whittingdale", id:"John_Whittingdale", x: .2602, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2602", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "John Pugh", id:"John_Pugh", x: .1185, r: .45, colour: "Liberal Democrat", vocabulary: "1185", party: "Liberal Democrat"},{MP: "Kerry McCarthy", id:"Kerry_McCarthy", x: .1864, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1864", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Bob Stewart", id:"Bob_Stewart", x: .1530, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1530", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Adam Holloway", id:"Adam_Holloway", x: .862, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "862", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "David Mowat", id:"David_Mowat", x: .1421, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1421", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Jessica Morden", id:"Jessica_Morden", x: .615, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "615", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Jane Ellison", id:"Jane_Ellison", x: .2269, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2269", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Matthew Offord", id:"Matthew_Offord", x: .1227, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1227", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Stephen Hammond", id:"Stephen_Hammond", x: .1506, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1506", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Julian Sturdy", id:"Julian_Sturdy", x: .966, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "966", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Rushanara Ali", id:"Rushanara_Ali", x: .292, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "292", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Adam Afriyie", id:"Adam_Afriyie", x: .418, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "418", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "George Eustice", id:"George_Eustice", x: .1078, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1078", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Alan Whitehead", id:"Alan_Whitehead", x: .603, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "603", party: "Labour"},{MP: "David Lidington", id:"David_Lidington", x: .2721, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2721", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Owen Paterson", id:"Owen_Paterson", x: .1504, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1504", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Damian Green", id:"Damian_Green", x: .1615, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1615", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Heather Wheeler", id:"Heather_Wheeler", x: .609, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "609", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Shabana Mahmood", id:"Shabana_Mahmood", x: .1843, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1843", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Guy Opperman", id:"Guy_Opperman", x: .11, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "11", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Kevan Jones", id:"Kevan_Jones", x: .2447, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2447", party: "Labour"},{MP: "George Howarth", id:"George_Howarth", x: .986, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "986", party: "Labour"},{MP: "David Hanson", id:"David_Hanson", x: .1405, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1405", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Jonathan Reynolds", id:"Jonathan_Reynolds", x: .2201, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2201", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Nia Griffith", id:"Nia_Griffith", x: .1163, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1163", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Robert Syms", id:"Robert_Syms", x: .718, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "718", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "David Davis", id:"David_Davis", x: .2096, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2096", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Alan Duncan", id:"Alan_Duncan", x: .852, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "852", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Steve Reed", id:"Steve_Reed", x: .1913, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1913", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Kirsty Blackman", id:"Kirsty_Blackman", x: .1221, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "1221", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "David Lammy", id:"David_Lammy", x: .1924, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1924", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Graham Evans", id:"Graham_Evans", x: .1754, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1754", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Mark Field", id:"Mark_Field", x: .1569, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1569", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Marie Rimmer", id:"Marie_Rimmer", x: .1653, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1653", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Tristram Hunt", id:"Tristram_Hunt", x: .2115, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "2115", party: "Labour"},{MP: "George Osborne", id:"George_Osborne", x: .4379, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "4379", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Justine Greening", id:"Justine_Greening", x: .2048, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2048", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Kate Hollern", id:"Kate_Hollern", x: .617, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "617", party: "Labour"},{MP: "David Gauke", id:"David_Gauke", x: .3061, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "3061", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Joanna Cherry", id:"Joanna_Cherry", x: .2576, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2576", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Steve Rotheram", id:"Steve_Rotheram", x: .138, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "138", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Nick Thomas-Symonds", id:"Nick_Thomas-Symonds", x: .1554, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1554", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Jon Trickett", id:"Jon_Trickett", x: .1378, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1378", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Ed Miliband", id:"Ed_Miliband", x: .1823, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1823", party: "Labour"},{MP: "David Amess", id:"David_Amess", x: .2049, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2049", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Stephen Philip Rotheram", id:"Stephen_Philip_Rotheram", x: .600, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "600", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Ben Gummer", id:"Ben_Gummer", x: .2901, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2901", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Daniel Kawczynski", id:"Daniel_Kawczynski", x: .673, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "673", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Alan Brown", id:"Alan_Brown", x: .2130, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2130", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Diane Abbott", id:"Diane_Abbott", x: .716, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "716", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Geoffrey Cox", id:"Geoffrey_Cox", x: .66, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "66", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Mark Tami", id:"Mark_Tami", x: .669, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "669", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Philippa Whitford", id:"Philippa_Whitford", x: .2231, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2231", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Caroline Ansell", id:"Caroline_Ansell", x: .988, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "988", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Jeremy Wright", id:"Jeremy_Wright", x: .931, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "931", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Therese Coffey", id:"Therese_Coffey", x: .1817, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1817", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Wayne David", id:"Wayne_David", x: .1913, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1913", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Lisa Cameron", id:"Lisa_Cameron", x: .2607, r: .45, colour: "Scottish National Party", vocabulary: "2607", party: "Scottish National Party"},{MP: "Greg Hands", id:"Greg_Hands", x: .1544, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1544", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Rebecca Pow", id:"Rebecca_Pow", x: .1903, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1903", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Dominic Raab", id:"Dominic_Raab", x: .658, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "658", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "John Redwood", id:"John_Redwood", x: .2901, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2901", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Keith Simpson", id:"Keith_Simpson", x: .459, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "459", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Madeleine Moon", id:"Madeleine_Moon", x: .1548, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1548", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Harriett Baldwin", id:"Harriett_Baldwin", x: .2394, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2394", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Rishi Sunak", id:"Rishi_Sunak", x: .1188, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1188", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Chris Matheson", id:"Chris_Matheson", x: .1703, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1703", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Marcus Jones", id:"Marcus_Jones", x: .1156, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1156", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Suella Fernandes", id:"Suella_Fernandes", x: .2275, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "2275", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "James Cleverly", id:"James_Cleverly", x: .1439, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1439", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Alistair Burt", id:"Alistair_Burt", x: .3352, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "3352", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "David Anderson", id:"David_Anderson", x: .1525, r: .45, colour: "Labour", vocabulary: "1525", party: "Labour"},{MP: "Kelly Tolhurst", id:"Kelly_Tolhurst", x: .1155, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "1155", party: "Conservative"},{MP: "Oliver Letwin", id:"Oliver_Letwin", x: .445, r: .45, colour: "Conservative", vocabulary: "445", party: "Conservative"}'


Also generate a dict for each party valued by the concatenated string of everything their MPs have said

In [9]:
# Initialise party talk dict with each party name
party_talk = {}
for party in parties.keys():
for speaker, party_and_text in words_spoken_by_mp.items():
    # will throw error if party doesn't exist in parties list
    party, text = party_and_text

    if len(party_talk[party]) == 0:
        party_talk[party] = text
        party_talk[party] = party_talk[party] + ' ' + text

In [12]:
con_sentences = nltk.tokenize.sent_tokenize(party_talk['Conservative'])
con_sentences = ["{0} {1} {2}".format("START_TOKEN", w, "END_TOKEN") for w in con_sentences]
con_sentences = [nltk.word_tokenize(sentence) for sentence in con_sentences]

In [14]:


In [16]:
word_freqs = nltk.FreqDist(con_sentences)
vocab = word_freqs.most_common(9999)

idx_2_word = [x[0] for x in vocab]
word_2_idx = dict([(w,i) for i,w in enumerate(idx_2_word)])

for i, sentence in enumerate(con_sentences):
    con_sentences[i] = [word if word in word_2_idx else "TOO_INFREQUENT_WORD"  for word in sentence]

X_train = np.asarray([[word_2_idx[w] for w in sent[:-1]] for sent in con_sentences])
Y_train = np.asarray([[word_2_idx[w] for w in sent[1:]] for sent in con_sentences])

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-16-d2a75efe188d> in <module>()
----> 1 word_freqs = nltk.FreqDist(*con_sentences)
      2 vocab = word_freqs.most_common(9999)
      4 idx_2_word = [x[0] for x in vocab]
      5 idx_2_word.append("TOO_INFREQUENT_WORD")

TypeError: __init__() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 147486 were given

In [ ]:


Using the raw data discover the following:

  • Average number of words spoken by party
  • word cloud of spoken words by party
  • plot of total words spoken for each MP highlighted by party

Then apply NLTK methods and look at vocabulary:

  • Average vocab of each party
  • replot word clouds used token analysis
  • plot of total vocab for each MP highlighted by party

Other ideas

  • NLTK dispersion plot of words like "austerity"
  • frequency distribution by party top words by token and their context
  • word redundancy by party - i.e. unique words which parties repeat the same shit over and over (lexical_diversity)
  • longest word by party
  • which MP uses the longest words on average - distribution
  • collocations

Party-wise summaries

  • Total speech per MP per Party

In [13]:
total_speech = []
for speaker, party_text in words_spoken_by_mp.items():
    total_speech.append((speaker, party_text[0], len(party_text[1])))

In [14]:
average_totals = []
for party, mp_number in parties.items():
    average_totals.append((party, len(party_talk[party])/mp_number))
average_totals = sorted(average_totals, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

for party, average in average_totals:
    print("{0:<40s}: {1:>10,.1f}".format(party, average))

Green                                   :  108,574.0
Social Democratic and Labour Party      :   91,118.3
DUP                                     :   64,063.9
Scottish National Party                 :   57,385.4
Liberal Democrat                        :   55,469.6
Conservative                            :   52,366.0
UUP                                     :   43,351.5
Plaid Cymru                             :   42,344.0
Labour                                  :   40,961.8
Independent                             :   26,885.0
UKIP                                    :   25,777.0
Sinn Féin                               :        0.0

In [19]:
y_pos = np.arange(len(average_totals))
plot_mp_numbers = [parties[x[1]] for x in average_totals], [x[1] for x in average_totals], align='center', alpha=0.4)
plt.xticks(y_pos, [x[0] for x in average_totals], rotation=90)
plt.ylabel('Average words spoken per MP')

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-19-ee7a85864047> in <module>()
      1 y_pos = np.arange(len(average_totals))
      2 plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
----> 3 plot_mp_numbers = [parties[x[1]] for x in average_totals]
      4, [x[1] for x in average_totals], align='center', alpha=0.4)
      5 plt.xticks(y_pos, [x[0] for x in average_totals], rotation=90)

<ipython-input-19-ee7a85864047> in <listcomp>(.0)
      1 y_pos = np.arange(len(average_totals))
      2 plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
----> 3 plot_mp_numbers = [parties[x[1]] for x in average_totals]
      4, [x[1] for x in average_totals], align='center', alpha=0.4)
      5 plt.xticks(y_pos, [x[0] for x in average_totals], rotation=90)

KeyError: 108574.0
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7f031c1560f0>
  • Wordclouds

In [16]:
def make_wordcloud(text, image_filename=None):
    Generate a wordcloud
    # remove minor words

    if image_filename:
        mask = imread(image_filename)
        wc = wordcloud.WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=2000, mask=mask,
        wc = wordcloud.WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=2000, stopwords=wordcloud.STOPWORDS)

    return wc

In [17]:



plt.imshow(make_wordcloud(party_talk['Scottish National Party']))

plt.imshow(make_wordcloud(party_talk['Liberal Democrat']))
plt.title('Lib Dem')




plt.imshow(make_wordcloud(party_talk['Plaid Cymru']))

/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/PIL/ UserWarning: setfont() is deprecated. Please set the attribute directly instead.
  "Please set the attribute directly instead.")
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f030fc4f7b8>

Total spoken plot

Generate data for d3 plot of total spoken words per MP (based on

Format data = {MP: NAME, x: 0.WORDS, r: .3, color: PARTY, words: "WORDS", id:NAME, party: PARTY cx: cy:

In [18]:


In [ ]: